The Bragging Mom

Friday, June 22, 2018

I’m sitting here this morning in disbelief that my 15 yr old daughter is headed to China this afternoon.  Let me just brag.  I’m gonna do it.

This girl is special.  SO stinkin’ special.  Her heart for others and her beautiful spirit have been different since she was very little.  I remember when she was about three years old and cried in the back seat of the car because the beat of the music on the radio “made her feel sad.”  She has always been a feeler and a lover but somehow (thank God!) that hasn’t translated into a crazy unbearable hormonal teenager.  She is just still that loving, kind hearted deep feeler with a heart of gold.  She has her “normal kid” moments but man, I’m just so blessed and thankful to be her mom.

Emma set out several years ago and said she was going to China with Show Hope after they helped us bring RJ home from India.  She planned and saved and asked for babysitting jobs.  She crafted and decorated a box that she just continued to throw cash into and God blessed her.  Oh, did He bless her!  And you all blessed her!  We spent about a year trying to find a cheaper trip or even just praying that maybe God wanted to open a different door for Emma but he didn’t even crack another door.  We emailed and contacted other organizations with ZERO response.  Emma had heard God tell her she was going to China with Show Hope and now it’s really happening.

I wanna be Emma when I grow up.  I want to hear God clearly and trust Him for years and then watch Him do the thing.

Our family has been called to very “different” things and while it is SO hard sometimes, it is also so worth it when we get to watch God show off and be so present and unmistakable.

We are blessed.

Please pray for my amazing girl for the next ten days and watch our Adopting Judah facebook page for updates.  You should be able to see it even if you don’t have facebook.