Ladies of Grace

Monday, February 27, 2012

We just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to the ladies of the Grace Fellowship bible study on Tuesday night and Wednesday mornings.  This is the huge pile of donations we received for the orphanage.  While we’re unsure of when we’ll actually be going, we are very much looking forward to giving this to the children and staff when we get there.

We would also like to ask you to continue to be in prayer for us that God would help us be patient for whatever child He is preparing for us.  The Africa program said they do have a few children in mind.  It is going to be tough for us and we would love if you would join with us in prayer that God would lead us clearly as to what He would have for us to do.  He led us every step of the way to Ashenafi but just for a different purpose than we had thought.  We know He’ll continue to lead us if we can be patient and look and listen for Him.

Also, please be in prayer as we received a package from Show Hope last weekend with some materials and they are currently praying over our application for their grant.  I’m guessing we’ll hear something in the next few weeks.  Though we don’t currently have a child referred to us, we still have all of the expenses and a loan that we are paying on.  We know God will provide one way or another, He always does :)

Hope you have a wonderful evening and we thank you again for taking this roller coaster journey with us!