A Week of Time

Thursday, April 19, 2012

This week gave me some unexpected time to get a few things done.  Laila and I were supposed to be gone for 4 weeks but she got sick and then my grandmother passed away so we are spending this week at home helping get things situated.  Since we were home, I was able to take care of mailing our our I800A to USCIS and our notarized home study to Indianapolis for state certification on Monday.  I wonder if God was just watching and waiting to see if I was willing to give up that control and trust Jack to do it??  I actually was but then it was a good thing that I was home to do it because a few things needed to be changed first!  Oh goodness, thank you Lord for rewarding me for my trust!

The other thing is that I wasn’t going to be able to get Laila’s health declaration done until we got back because she needed a TB test and they have to be read 48-72 hours after given but again, since we were able to be home we could do that.  So as of today, I’m picking up a few health forms and then the only thing I will need to make our dossier complete are a few recommendation letters that are being worked on and our approval from USCIS!  I’m so excited and relieved to have the packet of paperwork taken care of!  I had really dreaded starting all over with it but it wasn’t as bad as I had thought.

Have I mentioned how thankful I am for the India forum through Holt and being able to talk with other parents??  Well, I’ll say it again, I AM!!  There are a few people leaving next week to go and bring their little boy home and they are going to get some extra pictures and an update for me.  The other thing is that RJ’s birthday will be while they’re there and so I’m going to send him his shirt!!  Since we haven’t been able to be registered with CARA in India yet he can’t know it’s from us and it may just go into the clothing rotation at the care center but I gotta tell you it does a momma’s heart good to be able to think she’s sending her son a birthday present and not forgetting him.  Hopefully he’ll never have to spend a birthday without us again.  How cool will it be if we can get a picture of him wearing his shirt like all of ours?!?!

Please, please pray specifically that the I800A would be approved quickly since we don’t have to do finger prints again and there’s really no reason for it not to be.  And PLEASE PLEASE pray fervently that Dean at Holt will be able to make contacts in India to be able to get our family registered to Ranjit.  I was reading something about the courts closing some in May and as it stands now they’re not opening the registrations back up until June.  Our God can move mountains and I’m pray pray praying He will move this one.  I’m secretly hoping that was one of the reasons behind bringing us home this week and getting this paperwork together :)