
Friday, May 4, 2012

Today I received two pictures from the care center in Pune!!  One was of him wearing his t-shirt we sent to him!!  I really can not describe to you how it felt to see him wearing something that I had held in my hand just a few weeks ago.  That shirt has been hanging in Jackson’s (& RJ’s!!) closet for months waiting for God to show us truly who would be wearing it.  I absolutely love the shirts and that so many people have them.  I’m always seeing someone around town or on facebook with their shirt on and it reminds me of how many people have been loving and supporting us through this.

The second picture was from his birthday party!  He has a bunch of his friends around him and there is a cake that looks like it is made out of cookies.  The boy standing next to him is the son of another mom on the Holt forum who went this week for her court date and to meet him for the first time.  It was very fun to recognize people in the pictures!  I’m so glad to see that he was able to celebrate on his birthday and have a fun day.  I wasn’t sure if they really did anything for the kids.  If I’ve heard one common thought from other parents it is that this orphanage does an amazing job with these kids and especially when they have a family and are preparing them to meet them.  I’m SOOO excited to work on his family album and video this weekend.  It will be so fun to put the picture of all of us wearing our shirts in there and have him see that we’re wearing the same one he has!!