I Have a Family

Saturday, October 13, 2012



No, his name is not Randy!  This was his referral picture that Holt had on their website and this is the first picture we saw of him.  I took this screenshot in April when they added the “I have a family” to his picture :)  They give children Americanized names to make it “easier” for families searching.  Randy….. no thanks, we’ll stick with Ranjit!

We received his written orders on Thursday!!  It is SOOO exciting to see his full name, Ranjit Judah Hamstra, in print on a legal document!  Also, I had heard that they don’t normally add the middle name so I was excited to see that they did!  We really truly have another son!  We made steaks for dinner and celebrated and then had another celebration with some friends after the kids went to bed.  It’s really real…. it’s really going to happen……. keep breathing.  Remember back in the beginning when I coined the phrase exerrified.  Yep, it’s a good word.

We also received an email yesterday that he has already had a passport appointment on Friday and that there is another one on Tuesday and the lawyer is going to ask them to issue it ASAP!  This doesn’t mean it will happen but Holt seemed very excited that they already got him in.  Could we have a very happy thanksgiving possibly……. keep praying!  Our boy is coming home soon!!