We’re Home!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Bet you didn’t think you’d be waking up to the pictures and blogs in the morning anymore huh?  Well, jet lag is killing me and I’m awake so I might as well be productive I guess.

Whatever day it was…….. our car picked us up at 1am and brought us to the airport.  Everything went smoothly and we were asked to show our adoption papers a few times throughout ticketing and security just to make sure we weren’t child trafficking.  They do a good job making sure everyone is safe.

Our plane ride to Abu Dhabi was uneventful, well at least for me because I slept almost the whole four hours.  The best part was about 20 min before we were supposed to land the sun started coming up but the moon and one star were still very bright.  It was so beautiful.  I got a picture but of course it doesn’t do it justice.  Check it out on the facebook page.

When we got into Abu Dhabi we found a table in the food court again like last time so we could have a little space and wifi.  We got out homework for the kids and relaxed a bit.  A few people were messaging me that our flight was delayed but it wasn’t.  I think sometimes the flight tracker sights are wrong.  I was glad they were wrong because sitting in airports and airplanes is no fun when you just want to be home.

The flight again was uneventful.  I had activities for the kids to do but 3/4 of the flight they had the lights off so it would’ve been really hard.  So, everyone watched A LOT of TV which isn’t my favorite but what can you do?  They were quiet and still and even people around us commented on how good they were on the plane.

Once off the plane I had to change and brush my teeth because I felt really gross.  This was not the greatest idea because like four international flights must’ve come in at the same time while I was 5 minutes in the bathroom because the lines for immigration were really long.  The agency had told us we needed to go through the immigrant line but the airport was telling us to go through the citizen line.  Very confusing.  Finally our turn and the guy starts talking about Ranjit getting his green card in the mail.  I tell him his adoption was final and this should be his final step in becoming a citizen.  He tells me no.  Ugh, I already feel the mountain of paperwork and phone calls coming because I’m not sure they did everything right.  We had to go to another desk to turn in the mysterious packet from the embassy.  He opened it up and said something else about a green card for Ranjit and I again said something and he said “Oh you probably know more about this than me.”  Real reassuring buddy, thanks!  We’ll see if his social security card comes in the next few weeks….

pause in blog because both boys were awake…..again.  Got them laying down again.  Have I mentioned I hate jet lag??

Finally we were able to  walk through those doors and see a huge group of people waiting to greet us :)  Ranjit did great and if course was looking everywhere for Laila.  He found her and hugged and kissed her.  He’s still very confused when it comes to her  He asks me if she’s a baby because I carry her everywhere and I think he thinks her wheelchair is a stroller.  He also gets very confused at meals with her and yells for me to get her something to eat.  Its very cute how protective he is of her already.

We had lots of hugs all around and it was so good to see everyone at last  I have to tell you though, the best part was seeing all the kids together.  There were so many little ones there and it melted my heart to see them all talking together.  So many families have shared Ranjit’s journey with their children and have prayed for him for a very long time.  It made all the difference i think for him to come home to a big group of friends who know and accept him for who he is already.

The drive home was rough just because Jack and I were both exhausted and driving 1.5 hours wasn’t the best.  Ranjit again did great with having to wear a seatbelt and sit in a booster.  We went through a drive through for dinner because it was late and we just wanted to get home.  As we were ordering I’m turning around and talking to the kids and I finally stopped and looked at Jack and pointed and said “um, there’s four of them back there!!”  Half excited half terrified, oh yes there’s exerrified again.  We had prayed for so long for that empty seat in the car and the empty seat at our table to be filled and I’m so thankful but at the same time a little freaked out.

We’re all struggling with sleep and I’m hoping to get things worked out with that in the next few days but I guess blogging at 3am probably isn’t helping.   I’ll have to go buy a whole case of diet coke and possible start drinking coffee for the first time in my life because around 1pm I hit a wall and can’t keep my eyes open to save my life and now I’m wide awake.  I had hoped melatonin would work but it just doesn’t for me.  When we got to India the change wasn’t as hard for me but I think it was more adrenaline keeping me going.  Now I just need rest because four kids are there in the morning and I have to be awake!

We woke up to a dusting of now yesterday morning and of course the measurements for RJ were a little off and all the 4T clothes are too small.  Thankfully a friend had dropped a tote of clothes on our front porch this weekend and there was some 5T pants in there and a coat that would fit.  We took Laila to therapy in the afternoon and then tried to go to the park but it was COLD.  Ranjit kept bending his finger and saying “ow!” so we left right away.  Funny to think he’s never been this cold before and it’s only going to get worse.  Welcome to Indiana!

He is really adjusting well to being home.  He loves all the toys for sure!  All the bigger kids are still trying to find their place among each other.  It’s again like transition to three kids because Laila’s kind of on her own.  With three it seems someone is always left out and right now they’re kind of leaving RJ out because they play a lot of imagination games with a lot of dialogue and he’s just doesn’t have that much English yet.  He doesn’t seem to mind and plays quietly with something else but I do see him a little sad sometimes.  I keep reminding the big ones to make sure they’re including him and then they’ll find something to play all together.

We had some friends stop by to bring dinner and I told RJ to show them his bed.  Jackson ran in there too and Ranjit yelled and then came to me to tattle.  It was sort of comical.  I found it good that he was feeling territorial about his space and wanted to show it off himself without his brother butting in.  I’m sure I won’t think the tattling is so cute later but it’s one step in a normal direction so I’ll take it for now :)

I’m just kind of zoned right now.  Things are going better than expected and I’m sitting back and taking it all in.  I really wish the time difference weren’t involved because while you’re already in such a change and exhausted from some bedtime crying and waking in the night, you’re also trying to get your schedule changed around.  I knew how tired Emma was when she cried at bedtime because she sleeps downstairs by herself while we’re all upstairs.  Never bothered her before but again everything is magnified in the wake of change and exhaustion.

Well Jack and the kids are planning to go back to school and work on Thursday so pray we can get all this worked out before then.  Also pray for Ranjit as I think he may be a little lost without E&J here all day.

Well 4am, better try to sleep again before the troops wake up in a few hours…..