Yesterday was a check up with the orthopedic surgeon about her shoulder that was out of socket in ICU. It is back to it’s normal only popping out sometimes so we will just leave it alone for now. I’m good with that.
While I was there I was able to snag a whole bag of the catheters we like from the urology clinic. Someone had donated them (unopened of course!) so they gave us a ton. Hoping that will make it until we can get insurance to approve them.
Please keep praying for our friend who is there now with pneumonia and also another friend who’s daughter is having two big surgeries this week. It is amazing to me that we all go to the same church and we can empathize with each other struggles. Pretty amazing how God puts people together. I told Emma today that sometimes when I think of all these hurting kiddos I just cannot help but sing “come Lord Jesus, come.”
Tomorrow Laila goes in for her surgery to remove the stent. Reminder: this was placed in her urethra as a recent of them accidentally cutting it during her colectomy. It has been six weeks since the original surgery so it’s time for it to come out. Wow, six weeks. And also her opthamologist will jump on this anesthesia train to fix a chalazion that has been in her eye for eight months.not sure what all that entails.
I’m trying not to put all my eggs in the stent removal basket. But man I hope that is what is causing all these screaming in pain night and that after tomorrow (or soon) we will get some rest.
Thursday we go back to Riley again for a check up with her ostomy surgeon and also a with he GI specialist. GI was who referred us for all this to begin with but we haven’t talked to or seen her through all of it. I think it will be interesting to hear what she has to say…. Especially as we walk in hooked to the feeding pump for the first time in a couple years….
Please continue to prayer for us for the nights. Last night was a really rough one again.
Exodus 33:13-14 Now therefore, if I have found favor in your sight, please show me now your ways, that I may know you in order to find favor in your sight. Consider too that this nation is your people.” And he said, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”