Article 5

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Woohoo!  I love waking up to more good news in my email!  Today we received the Article 5!  I started to type out what is but instead I just blacked out some info and well here, read it for yourself!  It’s so exciting!

Now the next step is for CARA (Central Adoption Resource Agency) to issue their NOC (non-objection certificate) which then gives the OK to schedule a court date.  Holt says the NOC will take about 4-6 weeks.  I’ve seen other families have to wait 5-6 months for theirs and then some shorter.  I absolutely know that God has His divine hand in the timing of bringing RJ home.  He has protected a guide this whole process even from the way beginning when we thought we were going to Ethiopia.

So there’s the latest news :)  I began my facebook fast on Sunday and I really haven’t missed facebook that much but I have been praying a lot more because my initial reaction when I go online is to go there so it’s a good reminder.  I do truly believe God is blessing us for these sacrifices as well.  AND, I still haven’t had a diet coke or eaten fast food after my June fast.  I can but just haven’t.