Brittany’s Hope teams with the Lego Movie

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

We want to say a BIG thank you to the First Church of the Nazarene and to everyone who came out last weekend for the Jericho Lego movie.  We had such a fun time and we were loving all the interest that everyone had in Ranjit and adoption.  We spoke and then watched the movie and had popcorn and lemonade.  At the end of the event they had kids standing at the door with buckets for a free will donation.  The total raised was over $1400!!  I was absolutely blown away!!  The other great thing is that the church is donating the money on our behalf to the Brittany’s Hope Foundation which has offered us a matching grant.  So this money will be turned into almost $3000.

We are absolutely blessed and see in so many ways how God is blessing us and others even before we ever meet Ranjit.  I’m so thankful for the opportunity to serve God and become a new mommy again all together!  We were at a family gathering today and they were counting great-grandkids and someone said that I am expecting.  That was a fun thing to hear in words :)