Mother of Four

Sunday, May 12, 2013








Don’t you just love this?  All of my kiddos have made one of these for me in kindergarten.  I knew it would be coming, not only from past experience with the other two big ones, but also because RJ kept telling me about the surprise plate I was going to love :)

I woke up this morning on my first Mother’s Day morning as a mom of four children.  I look back at the long journey to get to be a mother of four and the ways God has surprised me along this way and I smile.  It’s not every day that I am able to easily look at things that way as I think of the heart ache all of my children have had to endure in their very short lives but today I rejoice in the way they are beautifully and wonderfully made just for me.

On Mother’s day last year, I had no idea who Ranjit was but I longed for him with an intense hole in my heart that I knew God had one more of my babies out there for me to hold.  Now this is who asked me for “mom, one more snuggle five minute?” this morning as soon as I woke up.  Love.

Ranjit is:

Exactly what his name means: Victorious in Battle.  He fought for his life and he won.

A Pleaser.  He loves to have a job to do and loves to accomplish it for the reward of praise

Brilliant.  It has been amazing to watch him learn to read.  While this has been frustrating, when I learned to sit back and watch it happen on it’s own, he is leanring it in his own time and just took off.

Loves touch.  No matter where we are I can without a doubt count on his little hand slipping into mine.  If I let go for a second to grab something, as soon as my hand is available again for him to reach, he’s holding it.  He has also fallen into the rhythm of telling me when he just needs a little more time on my lap.  He leans back and presses his cheek against mine and puts his other hand on my other cheek to get as much skin contact as possible.  Love that connection.

Still finding his place among other kids.  I see him still feeling awkward and when he let’s go sometimes and lets his silliness come out it’s pretty funny.

He’s got his momma’s personality.  I recently noticed him sacrastically teasing his papa about playing barbies.  He doesn’t make jokes very often but when he does they’re clever and it shows that he pays attention to every word spoken

He misses India but in a healthy loving way.  He does no want to go there and only talks about it in depth with me when we are alone.  We’ve spent a lot of time in the car alone and he always asks “mom, I can talk with you?”  He talks a lot about one special ayah that he had a strong bond with.  You can tell he has a deep love for her.  When I do certain things for him he’ll say that she did that for him too.  I just reply and tell him how wonderful it is that he had someone then and now has me.  And I believe that.

He’s beautifully adorable.  Don’t you agree? :)

Happy Mother’s Day friends!  Know that I’m praying for you all, especially my adoptive mommy friends waiting for their babies to come home.